Meet Beesly

Meet Beesly!

The Wisconsin Science Festival mascot

Pronouns: she, her, hers

Beesly is proud to be a honeybee, the Wisconsin state insect. Honeybees are incredibly important to Wisconsin and the world. They pollinate crops such as apples, pears, watermelon and pumpkins. Without honeybees, these crops wouldn’t grow.

Like all worker bees, Beesly is female.


Get the Buzz on #Beesly:

15mm long with an oval-shaped body


Golden-yellow with brown stripes


In a beehive in the hole of a tree


Worker bee and pollen collector

Favorite Subject:

Environmental studies

Favorite Foods:

Pollen, nectar and honey

Favorite Hobby:


Favorite Band:

The Bee Gees

Look for #Beesly at #WiSciFest events and learn more about her on social media.

Fun facts:


  • Honeybees live in hives of up to 80,000 individuals.
  • The brightly colored body of the honeybee acts as a warning to predators or honey robbers of the honeybee’s ability to sting.
  • Honeybees do not hibernate; instead, they remain inside the nests huddled closely together, sharing body heat and feeding on stored food supplies.
  • Honeybees are social creatures and live in colonies.
  • There are three types of adult honeybees: the queen bee, drones and worker bees.
  • Honeybees also produce honey. The average worker bee produces only about 1/12th teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
  • Honeybees have an excellent sense of smell.
  • Honeybees communicate with each other by dancing.
    – The round dance indicates that a food source is less than 50 meters from the nest.
    – The waggle dance indicates that food is located at a distance of more than 150 meters.

See Beesly in action!

Travel the globe with Flat Beesly

Flat Beesly has been buzzing around all over the world! Take a look to see where she has been on her travels.

Share your #FlatBeesly images

  1. Take a picture of Flat Beesly in your favorite Wisconsin locations.
  2. Then, post the picture to social media with the hashtag #FlatBeesly or email it to [email protected] and let us know what the location is.

Use #FlatBeesly as you BioBlitz

Flat Beesly has a six-inch ruler on her reverse side that you can use as part of the #WiSciFest BioBlitz.

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