Science on the Square: Ian’s Pizza on State with UW-Madison Physics

Snack on some delicious pizza all while getting hands-on with the UW-Madison physics team! Unleash your curiosity with Ian’s Pizza and step right outside to experience amazing physics experiments and take part in the Wonders of Physics show right outside on the forum stage. Enjoy a limited edition, Wisconsin Science Festival slice at Ian’s Pizza! … Continued

Science on the Square – Madison Night Market Fusion

Join us for one fantastic night that blends science with downtown Madison businesses! Back for its seventh year, the ever-popular Science on the Square event is again fusing with the Madison Night Market to create a unique way to explore hands-on science activities while also supporting local businesses and vendors. In 2024, our focus is … Continued

Big Ideas for Busy People: Fields of Wonder

Doors and bar open at 6:30pm, event takes place 7-9pm. Mark your calendars for a unique, interactive event! Join the Wisconsin Science Festival and friends for an unforgettable night at the intersection of art and science. Hear flash talks from incredible scientists on an array of topics, enjoy dance performances supported by the UW-Madison Division … Continued

Crossroads of Ideas: Wisconsin’s Role in Shaping the Future of Agriculture

This engaging panel discussion will take a deeper look into the innovation and tradition of Wisconsin agriculture and the opportunities and challenges we face at the leading edge of sustainable systems. Moderated by Dr. Glenda Gillaspy, Dean of UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and featuring researchers who are helping establish Wisconsin as the … Continued

Weaving Tradition: Menominee Basketry and the Legacy of Ash

Join us for an immersive workshop on traditional Menominee basket weaving led by Sherri LaChapelle-Corn (Pitapanukiw), where you’ll learn time-honored techniques passed down through generations. This hands-on experience delves into the cultural significance of basketry, highlighting its role in preserving Menominee heritage. Additionally, gain insight into the ecological challenges posed by the emerald ash borer … Continued

Physics of Bowling

Is there a science to bowling? Ever wondered what inside of a bowling ball looks like? Come explore as we explain Newton’s Law of Motion and apply what we learn on the lanes. Each participant will get a free game of bowling!

Nature Explorers: Join the Wisconsin BioBlitz!

During the Wisconsin Science Festival BioBlitz, join with people from all across the state from sunrise on Monday, October 14, until sunset on Sunday, October 20. Download the iNaturalist app on your device (optional but encouraged), find at least 10 species in the environment around you and add your observations to the Wisconsin Science Festival … Continued

Drive-In Movies with the Madison Mallards

** NOTE: THIS IS A SAMPLE EVENT FROM 2020** Join the Wisconsin Science Festival and Wisconsin Institute for Discovery for drive-in movie events at the Madison Mallards Duck Pond! • Friday night (10/16) will be out of this world with a space-themed double feature showcasing the blockbuster films Hidden Figures (5:30 p.m.) and Apollo 13 … Continued

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