Weaving Tradition: Menominee Basketry and the Legacy of Ash

Join us for an immersive workshop on traditional Menominee basket weaving led by Sherri LaChapelle-Corn (Pitapanukiw), where you’ll learn time-honored techniques passed down through generations. This hands-on experience delves into the cultural significance of basketry, highlighting its role in preserving Menominee heritage. Additionally, gain insight into the ecological challenges posed by the emerald ash borer … Continued

Farming for the Future

Farming for the Future: Using ecological farming to produce great tasting and healthy food to improve the environment and local communities – Emerald Acres Farm. Join us for a presentation at the Door County Library on Monday, October 14th from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Jane Greene Room, followed by a tour of Emerald Acres Farm … Continued

Family Activity Night – Bean Seed Germination Experiment

Join us in the Youth Services Program Room on October 14, from 5:30-6:30PM to learn about how seeds germinate and set up your own Bean Seed Germination Experiment! Register at newberlinlibrary.org starting September 30th. Space is limited.

Gross Science

Do you like things that ooze and make you cringe? Then get ready to learn about chemical reactions and create gross concoctions that will make you say EWW!   Check out more events at the Kenosha Public Library – Northside here!

Freaky Fog STEM (Teens 12-19)

Learn how to make creepy fog using ice so you can keep the Mad Scientist vibe going all year round. This program is recommended for Teens, 12-19.   Check out more events at the Kenosha Public Library – Southwest here!

Physics of Bowling

Is there a science to bowling? Ever wondered what inside of a bowling ball looks like? Come explore as we explain Newton’s Law of Motion and apply what we learn on the lanes. Each participant will get a free game of bowling!

Story-Making Club

Learning about the scientific research behind story-making.   Check out more events happening at the Oneida Community Library during the Wisconsin Science Festival: https://www.wisconsinsciencefest.org/venue/oneida-community-library/

Agriculture 100 yrs Strong

Join the Pauline Haass Public Library as we celebrate agriculture and the 100th Anniversary of the Village of Sussex. Our roots are Agriculture! Learn our history, explore artifacts, and complete a special craft as we participate in the Wisconsin Science Festival’s 2024 theme – AGRICULTURE!

Wisconsin Science Museum

The Wisconsin Science Museum presents displays, demonstrations and programs about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Many of these have interactive aspects and artistic illustrations. We emphasize Homegrown Discoveries, the notable achievements of people working in Wisconsin or Educated here.

By participating in events held, sponsored, or promoted by Wisconsin Science Festival, you agree to assume all risks and release from liability the Wisconsin Science Festival and its affiliated partners and sponsors, as more fully set forth at WiSciFest.org/termsandconditions.  Learn more about the year-round community science programs at UW-Madison.

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