Let’s Hike, Delafield! 2024 – Tyke Hike and BioBlitz

Meet one of our youth services librarians in the lobby of the library at 10:00 am on October 14 and October 16. Together, we’ll go on a 30-minute hike along the Ice Age Trail and do a BioBlitz as we go! It’s recommended that you download the iNaturalist app before attending if you want to … Continued

STEM Storytime for Toddlers

Learn about the basic principles needed for coding and STEM thinking. Our books will include if-then thinking, problem solving, creativity and critical thinking. We will use our skills to complete a STEM based experiment!   See more events at the Brown County Library – Central Branch!

Beaver Dam Fall Storytime

This special story time will feature stories and songs about cows and farms. Afterwards, stay for themed sensory bins! Storytime will take place at 9:30am and again at 1pm on Monday, October 14th!

Space-Themed StoryWalk®

All ages are invited to take a stroll down Grand Ave, around the W.J. Niederkorn Library, for a Space-Themed StoryWalk®. The featured story of our Space-Themed StoryWalk® is There Was a Black Hole that Swallowed the Universe written by Chris Ferrie, illustrated by Susan Batori. This special space-themed StoryWalk® will include QR codes linking directly … Continued

BioBlitz information station

Next to the Adult Reference desk on the 2nd floor of the library, we will have information about the 2024 WiSciFest BioBlitz. We will have printed observation sheets available for taking and information about downloading the iNaturalist app and hints of how to record observations there. We will also have many items on display that … Continued

AMS Guided Tour of the AOSS Building

Guided public rooftop tours of the Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Science Building led by the American Meteorological Society members. Come see all the research we are doing and get up-close and personal with our satellites. Check out the stellar view of Madison’s skyline!

Hudson, Wisconsin BioBlitz – Wisconsin Science Festival Edition

During the Wisconsin Science Festival Bioblitz, join with people from all across the state from sunrise on Monday, October 14, until sunset on Sunday, October 20. Download the iNaturalist app on your device (optional but encouraged), find at least 10 species in the environment around you, and add your observations to the Wisconsin Science Festival … Continued

Nature Explorers: Join the Wisconsin BioBlitz!

During the Wisconsin Science Festival BioBlitz, join with people from all across the state from sunrise on Monday, October 14, until sunset on Sunday, October 20. Download the iNaturalist app on your device (optional but encouraged), find at least 10 species in the environment around you and add your observations to the Wisconsin Science Festival … Continued

PRE FESTIVAL EVENT: Documentary & Discussion: Flyways

Learn how to help Kenosha’s shore birds! Shorebirds fly thousands of miles each year along ancient and largely unknown migratory routes called Flyways. More than 200 species travel from feeding grounds in the southern hemisphere to breeding grounds in the Arctic and back again, but their populations are crashing amidst climate change and urban development. … Continued

PRE-FESTIVAL EVENT: Spooky Science Spectacular

Have a spook-tacular time at the Spooky Science Spectacular! Explore science concepts with a fun (and sometimes spooky!) Halloween twist. From candy research to technology circuitry to chemistry chaos, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and learn along the way! Registration appreciated. Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult. If you need … Continued

By participating in events held, sponsored, or promoted by Wisconsin Science Festival, you agree to assume all risks and release from liability the Wisconsin Science Festival and its affiliated partners and sponsors, as more fully set forth at WiSciFest.org/termsandconditions.  Learn more about the year-round community science programs at UW-Madison.

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