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Badgers on Tap: Wisconsin Agriculture at Amorphic Beer

Badgers on Tap: Wisconsin Agriculture at Amorphic Beer

Tuesday 10/15/24
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Join for a pint and a night of learning, activities, and good cheer at Amorphic Beer on October 15 at 7:00 PM! Listen to engaging 15-minute flash talks, and participate in trivia, bingo, and more! This event is in-person, and no registration is necessary.

Michaela Hoffelmeyer: LGBTQ+ Farmers
Shelby Ellison: Collecting Cannabis through Citizen Scientist Collaboration
Caitilyn Allen: A History of Women in Agriculture


Click here learn more about the new Badgers on Tap program and find upcoming events near you.

Event Type:
Target Age/Grade:
High School/College/Adult


Amorphic Beer
3700 N Fratney St
Milwaukee, WI 53212 United States


UW Connects Badger Talks
Amorphic Beer

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