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POST-FESTIVAL EVENT: KidWind Educator Workshop – Menomonie, WI

POST-FESTIVAL EVENT: KidWind Educator Workshop – Menomonie, WI

Thursday 10/24/24
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Wisconsin Energy Institute and Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP) are excited to bring the KidWind Educator Workshop to Menomonie as a post Wisconsin Science Fest event! Join us in Fulton’s Workshop, Dunn County Historical Society’s exciting Makerspace, and learn how to explore the power of wind and solar with your students!

Workshop Description:

In this workshop you will review energy and electricity basics, design and test blades in a wind tunnel, explore related KEEP energy education resources, and preview ready-to-use renewable energy lessons. We will learn about the Historical Society’s “Solar Victory Garden” and hop in our vehicles for a short drive to tour a nearby solar farm where we’ll tour the panels and talk about “agrivoltaics” or co-locating agriculture and solar!

Participants will also learn about the Wisconsin KidWind Challenge and gain tips for coaching student teams through the process of designing and constructing small-scale turbines or solar devices. Educators will leave with the resources and confidence to use renewable energy as a lens into hands-on science, technology, and engineering exploration in the classroom. (And you’ll get some free gear valued over $170, too!)

8am – 1:30pm Interactive Workshop
2pm – 3:30pm Tour of local solar farm

Learn more and register here: https://energy.wisc.edu/events/kidwind-educator-workshop-menomonie-wi


Workshop Cost: $25 – Register by August 8 for the $10 Early Bird Discount! Substitute reimbursements to school districts up to $150/teacher are available. Certificates of attendance will be provided upon request.

Who should attend: Recommended for teachers of grades 4-12. Workshops are open to formal and non-formal educators.

This is one of three KidWind Educator workshops happening Aug-October 2024. Check out the other dates & locations here: https://energy.wisc.edu/education/kidwind-challenge/kidwind-educator-workshops


Check out more pre/post-festival events here!

Event Type:
Hands-On, Open House/Tour
Target Age/Grade:
High School/College/Adult


Dunn County Historical Society & Museum
1820 John Russell Rd
Menomonie, 54751 United States


Wisconsin Energy Institute
Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP)

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