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PRE-FESTIVAL EVENT: Celebrating Latinx voices in STEAM

PRE-FESTIVAL EVENT: Celebrating Latinx voices in STEAM

Wednesday 10/09/24
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join us for the “Celebrating Latinx voices in STEAM” symposium on Wednesday October 9 2024 (4-7pm CT) in the DeLuca forum in the Discovery Building. Refreshments will be served. This event is open to the entire UW-Madison community.

Refresos servados. Abierto a toda la comunidad de UW-Madison.


4-5p: Keynote: Christie Tirado
5-6p: Lightning talks by Latinx community
6-7p: Networking event with music from DJ Papi


Check out more pre/post-festival events here!

Event Type:
Target Age/Grade:
High School/College/Adult


UW-Madison (Discovery Building)
330 N. Orchard St.
Madison, WI 53715 United States


Wisconsin Institute for Discovery

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